Thursday, July 27, 2006

Kenrick's Feeds a Good Meal to Ameren Crews

The Mayor has a few guests at his day job in the form of 300 out-of-town Ameren restoration workers from all over the Midwest. (They're staying in the dorms, drinking beer, and gawking at the college girls while not on duty.) How pleased was I to see that Affton's own Kenrick's Meat Market & Catering was providing the box lunches to the crews!! In my contact with the group, I was offered one of the extra lunches.

Now I've eaten my fair share of box lunches, but this was head and shoulders above the rest! A HUGE turkey breast sandwich on a bun, individually wrapped toppings INCLUDING PICKLE (a sorely overlooked topping or side dish depending on how you look at it,) baked beans, fruit cup, granola bar thing, Doritos and the absolute masterpiece...a Twinkie. Seriously, when was the last time you ate a Twinkie? It's some fourth-grader goodness even at my age!

This gave me a great idea. Perhaps Kenrick's could combine the golden spongecake snack and their amazing meat cutting ability to create a Twinkie entree? While most would consider it a bastardization of meat cutting (as it would likely be processed meats) they could make them fancy delicacies by using meats like French canard.


At 9:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about choco-beaf and suzie-hind-quarters.
Kenricks rocks. Lenten fish can not be beat.
Awesome roastbeff as well.


At 6:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tell him about the twinkie...

At 11:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kenricks is the best. Gotta try the "Hamwich"


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