Wednesday, December 20, 2006


Some of you may have noticed that my posts are less frequent. I have been trying to get my blog off of Blogger to move it to a new home with more features for you, the Afftonians. 'Twas to be my holiday gift to you.

It's the holidays and you're busy anyway. Go ahead and party like it's 1979. Affton will be here for us in 2007. With any luck, my new site will be as well at

Happy/Merry HannaKwanzChristmasukkah. Happy Festivus.
And Happy Boxing Day, whatever that really is, you wacky Canadians!


At 6:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hurry back. the web is not the same without you.
I would even go as far as to say the community is faltering,revolution is brewing on the sidewalks and humanity faithis shaken.
We need out mayor back.



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