Urban Review Critiques Mayor
We at the Mayor's Office are pleased that we have been featured on noted urban critic Steve Patterson's blog Urban Review. While Patterson posits that my favorable review of the new QuikTrip location on Gravois may have been "bought" with cold beverages, he is pleased with the work we are doing in Affton. Patterson usually has sharp and pointed criticism for developments in St. Louis. After reading his review of my Affton blog, I'm now sure that he is also a man of sharp wit. Keep at it Patterson & Co. You may someday receive a Proclamation of Honorary Citizenship from this office.
I'd also like to remind you, Afftonians, that Monday night is the second round of review sessions for the St. Louis County Strategic Plan. Will you get a Community Pool? Will you get Metrolink? Will you be able to afford your house? Come find out!!
I will see you at Oakville Senior High at 7PM.
Mayor, you're doing a great job! Keep up the good work and Congratulations on the new exposure.
FWIW, I've heard the Affton Community Betterment Assoc. is basically a joke. Hopefully, you get to the next meeting and bring up some real issues. Someone with real sprit needs to get a hold of that committee!
I plan on going to their evening session on May 11 to see what it's all about. I will probably lurk for the first session and start going to the day sessions over the summer. Join me if you can...
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